What are the reasons for hiring a web professional versus doing it yourself
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  • Writer's pictureMichael Marshall

What are the reasons for hiring a web professional versus doing it yourself

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

A female entrepreneur
Starting a business requires a lot of work, attention and effort. Many successful entrepreneurs focus on their strengths while handing over other tasks to professionals

There are several reasons why you might want to hire a web professional to help with your business:

  1. Expertise: Web professionals have the skills and knowledge to design and build a website that is effective and professional. They can help you choose the right technologies and approaches to meet your business goals.

  2. Time-saving: Building a website can be a time-consuming process, especially if you are not familiar with web technologies. Hiring a web professional can save you time and allow you to focus on other areas of your business.

  3. Professional look and feel: A professionally designed and developed website can help your business appear more credible and trustworthy. This can be especially important for small businesses, which may not have the resources to create a high-quality website on their own.

  4. Better performance: A web professional can help you optimize your website for search engines and improve its performance. This can help drive traffic to your website and increase conversions.

  5. Ongoing support: A web professional can provide ongoing support and maintenance for your website, ensuring that it stays up to date and running smoothly. This can be especially important for businesses that rely on their website to generate revenue.

The expertise a web professional brings to your business:

Web professionals typically have a wide range of skills and knowledge, including:

  1. HTML: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a programming language used to structure and format the content of a webpage. Web professionals should have a strong understanding of HTML and be able to use it to create and structure web content.

  2. CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language used to style and layout web content. Web professionals should be proficient in using CSS to create visually appealing and consistent websites.

  3. JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used to add interactivity to websites. Web professionals should be able to write and debug JavaScript code to create dynamic and engaging user experiences.

  4. Web frameworks: Web frameworks are pre-built libraries of code that can be used to build and deploy web applications. Web professionals should be familiar with one or more web frameworks, such as Angular, React, or Django.

  5. CMS: Content management systems (CMS) are software platforms that allow users to create and manage a website without writing code. Web professionals should be familiar with at least one CMS, such as WordPress or Drupal.

  6. UX design: UX (user experience) design is the process of creating interfaces that are easy to use and visually appealing. Web professionals should be familiar with UX design principles and be able to use them to create user-friendly websites.The other side of the web profession coin is content creation/ editing and organisation which is paramount in the quest for SEO.

Content professionals are experts in creating and managing the written, visual, and multimedia content of a website. They may have a background in writing, journalism, marketing, or a related field.

Some of the skills and knowledge that a content professional may have include:

Writing: Content professionals should have strong writing skills and be able to produce clear, concise, and engaging content. They may also have expertise in specific writing styles, such as technical writing or creative writing.

  1. Editing: Content professionals should be able to edit their own work and the work of others for grammar, spelling, and clarity. They should also be familiar with editorial guidelines and best practices.

  2. SEO: SEO (search engine optimization) involves optimizing web content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Content professionals should be familiar with SEO best practices and be able to optimize content for search engines.

  3. Multimedia production: Content professionals may have skills in creating and editing multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, and infographics.

  4. Marketing: Content professionals should be familiar with marketing principles and be able to create content that is aligned with a company's marketing goals and target audience.

  5. Project management: Content professionals may be responsible for managing the content creation process, including setting goals, coordinating with team members, and meeting deadlines. They should have strong project management skills and be able to handle multiple tasks and priorities.

How much time does it take to build a website yourself?

The amount of time it takes to build a website on Wix (or any other website builder) will depend on a number of factors, including:

The complexity of the website: A simple website with a few pages and basic features will take less time to build than a more complex website with multiple pages, custom functionality, and integrations.

  1. Your familiarity with the platform: If you are already familiar with Wix and have used it before, you will be able to build a website more quickly than if you are new to the platform.

  2. Your design and development skills: If you have experience in web design and development, you will be able to build a website more quickly than if you are a beginner.In general, it is possible to build a basic website on Wix in a few hours. However, building a more complex or custom website could take several days or longer, depending on the scope of the project.

Creating a professional look and feel

There are several factors that can contribute to a professional look and feel for a website:

  1. Clean and user-friendly design: A well-designed website is easy to navigate and has a clean and uncluttered layout. It should also be visually appealing and use consistent design elements, such as fonts, colors, and imagery.

  2. High-quality content: A professional website should have well-written, accurate, and up-to-date content. It should also use appropriate formatting and images to make the content easy to read and understand.

  3. Functionality: A professional website should be reliable and function smoothly. This includes having a fast loading time and being responsive on different devices.

  4. Professional branding: A professional website should reflect the branding and identity of a business. This includes using the company's logo and color scheme, as well as maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the site.

  5. Trust indicators: A professional website should include trust indicators, such as customer testimonials, security badges, and privacy policies, to build credibility and trust with visitors.

Defining website performance

Website performance refers to how quickly and efficiently a website is able to load and function. A website with good performance will load quickly and be responsive, providing a smooth and enjoyable user experience. Poor website performance, on the other hand, can result in slow loading times and a frustrating experience for users.

There are several factors that can impact website performance, including the size and complexity of the website, the quality of the hosting provider, and the efficiency of the code. Improving website performance can involve optimizing images, minifying code, using caching, and using a content delivery network (CDN), among other techniques.

Website performance is important because it can affect the user experience, as well as the visibility and ranking of a website in search engines. Websites with poor performance are more likely to have high bounce rates (users leaving the site quickly) and lower conversion rates

(users taking a desired action, such as making a purchase). Improving website performance can help increase traffic and revenue for a business.

Ongoing website support, so you can run your business while the tech guys take care of the tech

On going support from a website professional can be valuable for several reasons:

  1. Website updates: Websites need to be kept up to date with the latest content and features. A website professional can provide ongoing support to ensure that your website stays current and relevant.

  2. Security: Websites are vulnerable to security threats such as hacking and malware. A website professional can provide ongoing support to ensure that your website is secure and to fix any security issues that may arise.

  3. Performance optimization: A website professional can provide ongoing support to optimize your website's performance, including improving loading times, fixing bugs, and resolving any technical issues that may arise.

  4. New feature development: As your business grows and evolves, you may want to add new features or functionality to your website. A website professional can provide ongoing support to help you implement these changes.

Overall, ongoing support from a website professional can help ensure that your website is functioning properly and effectively supporting your business goals. It can also save you time and hassle by taking care of technical tasks and updates, allowing you to focus on running your business.

We believe these are pretty strong reasons for hiring a website professional to help you achieve your online goals. Of course, hiring a professional may be out of your budget oor you may just feel that you can do it yourself anyway. If you want to learn more about building a website yourself on Wix, why not check out this blog post about How to Build a Wix Website

If you want to hire a developer, consider reaching out to us. At Marshall Arts we have been providing high-quality affordable solutions to business for over 10 years and we are always ready to jump on a call to discuss your project and goals online.

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